Eduma Theme Documentation and Installation Guide

We would like to thank you for choosing Eduma. Built compatibly with the latest version of WordPress and page builder plugin Visual Composer, Eduma 3.0 promises to give you awesome experiences in creating your own education websites.

There are system requirements in order to install and setup Eduma theme and its components properly. Make sure that you are running the latest version of WordPress, PHP version 5.6 or higher and MySQL version 5.6 or higher. We also recommend the following PHP configuration limits:

Recommended PHP configuration limits
upload_max_filesize = 32M
post_max_size = 32M
max_execution_time = 300
max_input_time = 300
memory_limit = 256M
Please contact your server provider to verify your current PHP limits and have them set it up again if needed.

Note: Once you successfully install and activate Eduma theme, Eduma Dashboard will be added to your WordPress menu. You can verify those requirements under Eduma > System Status

1.2.What's Included
After purchasing Eduma theme on with your Envato account, go to your Download page. You can choose to download Eduma theme only (Installable WordPress Theme) or the entire Eduma theme package which contains the following files:

Eduma theme: An Installable WordPress Theme zip file.

Eduma child-theme: A child-theme zip file and a readme.txt note about the child-theme.
Documentation: A link to this documentation.

2.Video Tutorial
Here is a quick video tutorial for installing, setting up and customizing Eduma theme. For more detailed instructions, please read the following sections below.

You can install Eduma theme via 2 ways: Via WordPress or via FTP

3.1.Via WordPress
Follow these steps below to install Eduma theme via WordPress:

Step 1. Visit Dashboard > Appearance > Themes > Add New.

Step 2. Click Upload Theme.

Step 3. Browse file (not the theme package zip file) on your computer and click Install Now.

Step 4. Activate Eduma theme.

Step 5. Enable Thim Core to activate the core of Eduma and start importing demo data process.

upload theme wp1

3.2.Via FTP
Follow these steps below to install Eduma theme via FTP:

Step 1. Login your FTP account via FTP software to access your host web server.

Step 2. Extract file.

Step 3. Upload the extracted folder eduma to wp-content/themes folder.

Step 4. Activate Eduma theme in Dashboard > Appearance > Themes.

Step 5. Enable Thim Core to activate the core of Eduma and start importing demo data process.

4.Getting Started
Once you successfully install and activate Eduma theme, Eduma Dashboard will be added to your WordPress menu.

Now you can get started to set up your site with Eduma. You will walk through the following steps:

Name your website and site description
Install and activate required and recommended plugins
Import Demo Content (Detailed instruction here)
Sign in your Envato account to get updates
Customize your site (Detailed instruction here)
Get support resources

4.1.Import Demo

Thim Core Demo Importer
Thim Core is a required plugin for Eduma theme. This plugin is a demo importer which imports all posts/pages, sample sliders, widgets, customization, and more.

Follow these steps below to import demo via Thim Core:

Step 1 – Visit Dashboard > Eduma > Import Demo.

Step 2 – Select a page builder before Import Demo.

Step 3 – Select a demo and click Install.

Step 4 – Select what type of content that you want to import and click Import.

The importing process may take up to 5 minutes.


4.2.Import Pages
In case you just want to import some specific pages on the demo, please go to the support forum and we’ll send you the file of those pages as well as guide you how to import.

You are able to customize your website in Dashboard > Appearance > Customize

This section will guide you over all the customization part for Eduma

Customize General parts like logos, layout, etc.
Change Logo / Sticky Logo / Logo Width / Site Icon for Site Share
Hide / Show social share for Blog Page Features
Enable / Disable RTL Support, Smooth Scrolling, Remove Query String, Back to Top; Select Preloading; change preloading Color for Site.
Google Analytics: Enter ID Google Analytics.
Facebook Pixel: Enter ID Facebook Pixel.
Body Custom Class: Add class to change layout for site.
Register Redirect: Allows register redirect URL. If blank will redirect to homepage.
Login Redirect: Allows login redirect URL. If blank will redirect to homepage.
Page Builder: Allows select page builder what you want to use. CSS & JS
Add Custom CSS and JS to change style for Site

Customization for Blog pages Page
Select layout, upload top image/ title, subtitle, hidden/ show page title or breadcrumb for Blog page Pages
Select layout, upload top image/ title, subtitle,… for archive pages for blogs Pages
Select sub heading, subtitle… for single post Tags
Hidden/ show author, date, category… for posts

Customization for Course pages Pages
Select layout, upload top image/ title, subtitle for Course pages (your site/courses) Pages
Select layout, upload top image/ title, subtitle for Single Course pages Pages
Select layout, upload top image/ title, subtitle for Collection page
Enable/ Disable Login Popup form option and ads hidden feature.

Customization for Event pages Pages
Select Layout; enable / disable Hide Breadcrumbs, Hide Title; change Top Image, Background Color, Title color, Subtitle color for Events Page Page
Select Layout; enable / disable Hide Breadcrumbs, Hide Title; change Sub heading Top Image, Background Color, Title color, Subtitle color for Single Event Page
Enable / Disable Show year, Disable booking ticket for Events

Select layout, upload top image/ title, subtitle,… for all Forums archive page (yoursite/forums)

Select layout, upload top image/ title, subtitle,… for all Portfolio Single pages

Customization for Team pages Pages
Select layout, upload top image/ title, subtitle,… for Our Team page (your site/our_team) Page
Select layout, upload top image/ title, subtitle,… for Single Our Team page

Customization for Testimonial pages Pages
Select layout, upload top image/ title, subtitle,… for Testimonials page (your site/testimonials) Page
Select layout, upload top image/ title, subtitle,… for Single Testimonials page

Customization for Footer section
Add class to change layout, change background color / text color / link color,…; select background image; choose background repeat / background position for Footer
Change background color, text color, border color, Copyright Text for Copyright

5.2.Page Settings
Eduma theme allows to customize a single Post or Page.

When using Eduma, you will see extra settings ‘Display settings’ on your ‘Screen Options’

By enabling ‘Display settings’, you will see new settings Featured Title Area and Layout in your Posts and Pages.

This example above using WPBakery (formerly Visual Composer) page builder. We can do exactly the same with SiteOrigin page builder plugin 🙂

6.Update Theme
You can update Eduma theme via 2 ways:  via Thim Core and via FTP.

6.1.Via Thim Core
Thim Core plugin allows to update theme without resetting your previous settings. However, you should always backup your files and databases before updating.

Follow these steps below to update Eduma theme via Thim Core:

Step 1 – Visit Eduma > Dashboard and login with your Envato account.
Step 2 – Click Update now.

6.2.Via FTP
Follow these steps below to update theme via FTP:

Step 1.  Login your Envato account. In Download tab, find Eduma and choose the Installable WordPress Theme (the WordPress file).

Step 2. Login your server and go to wp-content/themes folder to backup your eduma theme folder if needed. The contents on your site will not be lost but if you have modified the code then the changes will be lost. You have to reapply them again after updating.

Step 3. Extract that you downloaded from

Step 4. Upload new theme folder eduma to wp-content/theme to override the existing files.

7.Knowledge Base FAQs
Before submitting a ticket on our support forum, please do all the following requirements:

Refer documentation.
Read changelog and make sure that your site is running the latest version of Eduma theme.
Clear caches after changing any setting on your site.
Check our Knowledge Base and FAQs below to find out the answer for some common questions:

Translation with Loco Translate plugin
Missing style sheet error
Create an account on Support forum
Get Envato Purchase code
There are also sticky tickets we post on our support forum. If you cannot find the answer for your problem, don’t hesitate to contact us by submitting a new ticket.

8.Support Service
When purchasing our themes, you will receive free 6-month support service for problems regarding the theme. Once your free support service is expired, you can extend your support service to 12 months. But no matter whether your support service is expired or not, you always receive free life-time updates for the theme.

We really care about our customers and guarantee to response to all support questions within 48 hours since your support ticket is created.

Regarding the requests about Customization and 3rd-party plugins, we provide you a Customization Service at a fee.

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